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Broken Beats News 5
Júlové vydanie noviniek zo sveta lámaných beatov.
Komentáre (0) | Odkaz e-mailom | Odkaz autorovi | Publikované: 08.07.2009 - 15:44
Drum&bass new tracks
Influx UK - Get near
Camo & Krooked - Get funky
Deadmau5 & Kaskade - I remember - J Magic & Wickaman remix
Sub Focus - Rock it
Bungle - The need of being alone
Aeph - Club shifter
Dirtyphonics - Vandals
Bad Company - Bullet Time - Spor remix
Muffler - Mankind
Black Sun Empire & Eye D - Milkshake
Camo & Krooked - Dakota
Hive - Neo VIP
The Upbeats - Ghost radio
Uman - Palm trees
Cause 4 Concern - Sound clash
Martyn - Great Length
Martijn Deijkers je Holanďan, ktorého drum and bassové tracky vychádzajú od roku 2005 na labeloch ako Soul:R, Play:Music, či Revolve:R. Odroku 2007 šéfuje vlastnému labelu, ktorý nesie názov 3024 a vydáva na ňom nielen svoju tvorbu. Nový album, ktorý by sa mal dostať do predaja koncom marca je už pripravený a katalógové číslo 3024005 napovedá, ktorý label bude za ním stáť. Vypočujte si ukážky a možno budete trochu prekvapení, čo bude vychádzať z reproduktorov. Myslím si, že to ale bude prekvapenie príjemné, pretože hudba je to krásna...
Myspace stránka Jeho blog čítajte TU
1. The Only Choice
2. Krdl-t-grv
3. Right?Star!
4. Seventy Four
5. Little Things
6. Vancouver
7. These Words
8. Bridge
9. Elden St.
10. Far Away
11. Hear Me
12. Is This Insanity?
13. Brilliant Orange
14. Natural Selection
Black Sun Empire podcast 7
Tentokrát sa o mixovaný set postarali páni Jade a Mindscape.
1. Jade feat. Rymetyme - Venom (Budapest sound) - Citrus Recordings
2. Jade - My World - Citrus Recordings
3. Mindscape & StuC4C - Retribution - Subtitles
4. State of Mind - Wake Up Call (Mindscape remix) - SOM Music
5. Jade - Forged Reality - Citrus Recordings
6. Jade & Matt-U - Moblaw - Citrus Recordings
7. Mindscape - Afterburner - Commercial Suicide
8. Mindscape - Violator - Commercial Suicide
9. Jade - The Prey - Citrus Recordings
10. Jade - No Cure - Citrus Recordings
11. Mindscape & Hydro - Skid Row - Commercial Suicide
12. Mindscape - Damn Tough - Commercial Suicide
13. Jade - Bitch (Audio remix) - Citrus Recordings
14. Black Sun Empire - Stasis (Jade remix) - Citrus Recordings
15. Mindscape & BTK - Shoot First - Subtitles
16. Mindscape & feat. Rymetyme - Planet X (Vicious Circle remix) - Citrus Recordings
17. Jade - This is My World (Icicle rmx) - Citrus Recordings
18. Jade - Cryptic (Phace remix) - Citrus Recordings
19. Jade - Cryptic - Citrus Recordings
20. Mindscape & Identity - Ice Breaker - Subtitles
21. Bulletproof & Mindscape feat. Tiki Tanee - Dark Times (State of Mind remix) - Cyanide Recordings
22. Mindscape & Jade feat. Hydro - Black Lotus - Citrus Recordings
23. Jade - Unexist - BSE Recordings
24. Mindscape & Zero Method - Dissonant - Subtitles
25. Mindscape - The Vulture (Dose & Menace remix) - Syndrome Audio
26. Jade & Mastif - Time Trap - dub
27. Jade - Ready - Citrus Recordings
28. Mindscape & Munk - Into The Night - Subtitles
29. Mindscape - Hypnotize - Citrus Recordings
30. Jade & Mindscape - Banshee - Citrus Recordings
31. Mindscape - Zombie Nation - dub
Automatic Layer 06
Pre tých, ktorí majú radi deepový drum&bass, hĺbavé basové melancholické linky. DOWNLOAD
Worldwide Darkside podcast 1: Counterstrike
Techstepové a hardstepové tracky mixované už legendou Counterstrike.
1. Forbidden Society: Facing Extinction (Current Value remix) - Algorythm Recs
2. Nphonix: Sever - Algorythm Recs
3. Counterstrike & Cooh: Computer Control - Counterstrike Recs
4. Counterstrike & Forbidden Society: Extreme - Counterstrike Recs
5. Counterstrike & DJ Hidden: Vivid Reality - Counterstrike Recs
6. Counterstrike & Silent Killer: Purify - Algorythm Recs
7. Counterstrike & Donny: The Watchers - Barcode Recs
8. Counterstrike & Gein: Pentagram - Counterstrike Recs
9. Counterstrike: Meltdown - Prospect Recs
10. Counterstrike, Silent Killer & Breaker: Weapon - Counterstrike Recs
11. Counterstrike & The Panacea: Tinnitus - Algorythm Recs
12. Nphonix & Identity: Project 2501 - Algorythm Recs
13. Lucio De Rimanez: Phat Ugly Reality - Algorythm Recs
14. Gein: Warden (Counterstrike remix) - Guerilla Recs
15. Counterstrike: Room Of Mirrors VIP - Algorythm Recs
16. Lucio De Rimanez: Talking Head - Algorythm Recs
17. Dub Elements: Escape - Algorythm Recs
18. Counterstrike: Rise - Prospect Recs
19. Counterstrike & Cooh: Blood & Steel - Prospect Recs
20. Counterstrike: Stardust - Algorythm Recs
21. Counterstrike & Zardonic: Hardcore Will Never Die - Human Imprint
22. Counterstrike: Timewarp VIP - Algorythm Recs
23. Counterstrike & Cooh: Fission - Counterstrike Recs
24. Counterstrike & Current Value: Techno Is - Algorythm Recs
25. Counterstrike & Magna Karta: Interface - Algorythm Recs
26. Katharsis: Mute (Counterstrike remix) - Filthy Sanchez Recs
27. Counterstrike & Donny: Tear Your Soul Apart - Algorythm Recs
28. Counterstrike: Cut You Into Little Pieces VIP - Algorythm Recs
29. Counterstrike: Maniac - Algorythm Recs
Autor: Georgo
Zdroj: web
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